Sunday, June 30, 2013

NeuroDynamic Tests

Upper limb tension test 1 (median nerve bias)

  1. Shoulder girdle depression
  2. Shoulder joint abduction
  3. Forearm supination
  4. Wrist and finger extension
  5. Shoulder joint laterally rotated
  6. Elbow extension

Upper limb tension test 2a (median nerve bias)

  1. Shoulder girdle depression
  2. Elbow extension
  3. Lateral rotation of the whole arm
  4. Wrist, finger and thumb extension

Upper limb tension test 2b (radial nerve bias)

  1. Shoulder girdle depression
  2. Elbow extension
  3. Medial rotation of the whole arm
  4. Wrist, finger and thumb flexion

Upper limb tension test 3 (ulnar nerve bias)

  1. Wrist and finger extension
  2. Forearm pronation
  3. Elbow flexion
  4. Shoulder girdle depression
  5. Shoulder lateral rotation
  6. Shoulder abduction

Slump test (entire nervous system)

  1. Hands behind back
  2. Thoracic flexion
  3. Cervical flexion
  4. Extend one knee
  5. Dorsiflex foot of extended knee
  6. Cervical extension
  7. Extend other leg with cervical flexion

Prone knee bend (or femoral tension test)

  1. Side lying on unaffected side
  2. Unaffected side: grasping tibia in full hip flexion
  3. Affected side: passive hip extension with full knee flexion
  4. Thoracic and cervical spine flexed
  5. Extension is the desensitizing test

Straight leg raise (sciatic nerve)

  1. Supine
  2. Medial hip rotation, then flexion, with knee extended
  3. Ankle dorsiflexion (tibial nerve)
  4. Ankle plantarflexion and foot inversion (common peroneal nerve)
  5. Hip adduction (sciatic nerve)
  6. Increasing hip medial rotation (sciatic nerve)
  7. Passive neck flexion (SC, meninges and sciatic nerve)