Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I am going to put an exhaustive list of Fracture eponyms.

Aviator’s astragalus:Implies a variety of fractures of the talus; described after World War I as rudder bar is driven into foot during plane crash.

Barton’s fracture:Displaced articular lip fracture of the distal radius; may be associated with carpal subluxatioin. Fracture configuration may be in a dorsal or volar direction.

Bennett’s fracture: Oblique fracture of the first metacarpal base separating a small triangular fragment of the volar lip from the proximally displaced metacarpal shaft.

Bosworth fracture: Fracture of the distal fibula with fixed displacement of the proximal fragment posteriorly behind the posterolateral tibial ridge.

Boxer’s fracture: Fracture of the fifth metacarpalneck with volar displacement of the metacarpal head.

Burst fracture: Fracture of the vertebral body from axial load, usually with outward displacement of the fragments. May occur in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine.

Chance fracture: Distraction fracture of the thoracolumbar vertebral body with horizontal disruption of the spinous process, neural arch, and vertebral body.

Chauffeur’s fracture (Hutchinson’s fracture): Oblique fracture of the radial styloid, initially attributed to the starting crank of an engine being forcibly reversed by a backfire.

Chopart’s fracture and dislocation: Fracture and/or dislocation involving Chopart’s joints (talonavicular nd calcaneocuboid) of the foot.

Clay-shoveler’s (coal-shoveler’s) fracture: Spinous process fracture of the lower cervical or upper thoracic vertebrae. Injury initially attributed to workers attempting to throw upward a full shovel of clay, but the clay, adhering to the shovel, would cause a sudden flexion force opposite to the neck musculature.

Colles’fracture: General term for fractures of the distal radius with dorsal displacememnt, with or without an ulnar styloid fracture.

Cotton’s fractures: Trimalleolar ankle fracture with fractures of both malleoli and the posterior lip of the tibia.

Die-punch fracture: Intraarticular fracture of the distal radius with impaction of the dorsal aspect of the lunate fossa.

Dupuytren’s fracture: Fracture of the distal fibula with rupture of the distal tibiofibular ligaments and lateral displacement of the talus.

Duverney’s fracture: Fracture of the iliac wing without disruption of the pelvic ring.

Essex-Lopresti’s fracture: Fracture of the radial head with associated dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint.

Galezzi’s fracture: Fracture of the radius in the distal third associated with subluxation of the distal ulna.

Greenstick fracture: Incompletely fractured bone in a child, with a portion of the cortex and periosteum remaining intact on the compression side of the fracture.

Hangman’s fracture: Fracture through the neural arch of the second cervical vertebra (axis).

Hill-Sachs fracture: Posterolateral humeral head compression fracture caused by anterior glenohumeral dislocation and impaction of the humeral head against the anterior glenoid rim.

Holstein-Lewis fracture: Fracture of the distal third of the humerus with entrapment of the radial nerve.

Jefferson’s fracture:
Comminuted fracture of the ring of the atlas due to axial compressive forces. Fractures usually occur anterior and posterior to the lateral facet joints.

Jones fracture: Diaphyseal fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal.

Lisfranc’s fracture dislocation: Fracture and/or dislocation involving Lisfranc’s (tarsometatarsal) joint of the foot. Lisfranc was one of Napoleon’s surgeons and described traumatic foot amputation through the level of the tarsometatarsal joint.

Maisonneuve’s fracture: Fracture of the proximal fibula with syndesmosis rupture and associated fracture of the medial malleolus or rupture of the deltoid ligament.

Malgaigne’s fracture: Unstable pelvic fracture with vertical fractures anterior and posterior to the hip joint.

Mallet finger: Flexion deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint caused by separation of the extensor tendon from the distal phalanx. The deformity may be secondary to direct injury of the extensor tendon or an avulsion fracture from the dorsum of the distal phalanx, where the tendon inserts.

Monteggia’s fracture: Fracture of the proximal third of the ulna with associated dislocation of the radial head.

Nightstick fracture: Isolated fracture of the ulna secondary to direct trauma.

Posadas’ fracture: Transcondylar humeral fracture with displacement of the distal fragment anteriorly and dislocation of the radius and ulna from the bicondylar fragment.

Pott’s fracture: Fracture of the fibula 2 to 3 in above the lateral malleolus with rupture of hte deltoid ligament and lateral subluxation of the talus.

Rolando’s fracture: Y-shaped intraarticular fracture of the thumb metacarpal.

Segond’s fracture: Avulsion fracture of the lateral tibial condyle from the bony insertion of the iliotibial band.

Shepherd’s fracture: Fracture of the lateral tubercle of hte posterior talar process.

Smith’s fracture: Fracture of the distal radius with palmar displacement of the distal fragment. Also referred to as a reverse Colle’s fracture.

Stieda’s fracture: Avulsion fracture of the medial femoral condyle at the origin of the medial collateral ligament.

Straddle fracture: Bilateral fractures of the superior and inferior public rami.
Teardrop fracture: Flexion fracture/dislocation of the cervical spine with associated triangular anterior fragment of the involved vertebrae. Injury complex in unstable, with posterior ligamentous disruption.

Tillaux’s fracture: Fracture of the lateral half of the distal tibial physis during differential closure of the physis. The medial part of the tibial physis has already fused.

Torus fracture: Impaction fracture of childhood as the bone buckles instead of fracturing completely.

Walther’s fracture: Inschioacetabular fracture that passes through the pubic rami and extends towards the sacroiliac joint. The medial wall of the acetabulum is displaced inward.