NeuroDynamic Tests
Upper limb tension test 1 (median nerve bias)
- Shoulder girdle depression
- Shoulder joint abduction
- Forearm supination
- Wrist and finger extension
- Shoulder joint laterally rotated
- Elbow extension
Upper limb tension test 2a (median nerve bias)
- Shoulder girdle depression
- Elbow extension
- Lateral rotation of the whole arm
- Wrist, finger and thumb extension
Upper limb tension test 2b (radial nerve bias)
- Shoulder girdle depression
- Elbow extension
- Medial rotation of the whole arm
- Wrist, finger and thumb flexion
Upper limb tension test 3 (ulnar nerve bias)
- Wrist and finger extension
- Forearm pronation
- Elbow flexion
- Shoulder girdle depression
- Shoulder lateral rotation
- Shoulder abduction
Slump test (entire nervous system)
- Hands behind back
- Thoracic flexion
- Cervical flexion
- Extend one knee
- Dorsiflex foot of extended knee
- Cervical extension
- Extend other leg with cervical flexion
Prone knee bend (or femoral tension test)
- Side lying on unaffected side
- Unaffected side: grasping tibia in full hip flexion
- Affected side: passive hip extension with full knee flexion
- Thoracic and cervical spine flexed
- Extension is the desensitizing test
Straight leg raise (sciatic nerve)
- Supine
- Medial hip rotation, then flexion, with knee extended
- Ankle dorsiflexion (tibial nerve)
- Ankle plantarflexion and foot inversion (common peroneal nerve)
- Hip adduction (sciatic nerve)
- Increasing hip medial rotation (sciatic nerve)
- Passive neck flexion (SC, meninges and sciatic nerve)