Sunday, October 7, 2012

Muscle Tissue Quiz

(1) The neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscles is
A. epinephrine
B. acetylcholine
C. norepinephrine
D. serotonin
E. calcium

(2) A single motor neuron and the group of muscle fibers that it innervates is called a
A. transverse tubule
B. anisotropic band
C. motor unit
D. sarcomere
E. myofibril

(3) Which of these types of muscles is NOT included in the axial skeleton?
A. muscles that act on the knee
B. facial muscles
C. neck muscles
D. anterior and posterior trunk muscles
E. all of the above

(4) What is the cell membrane of a muscle cell called?
A. sarcoplasm
B. sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. myofibril
D. sarcolemma
E. endomysium

(5) What is the distance from Z-line to Z-line called?
A. A-band
B. H-zone
C. I-band
D. sarcolemma
E. sarcomere
(6) What is the name of the compartment for calcium storage in a muscle fiber?
A. sarcolemma
B. sarcomere
C. Golgi complex
D. sarcoplasmic reticulum
E. transverse tubule

(7) What organelle in a non-muscle cell is the answer to #6 similiar to?
A. lysosome
B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C. nucleus
D. mitochondria

(8) Nerve impulses are carried to every myofibril in a muscle fiber via infoldings of the sarcolemma called
A. endoplasmic reticulum
B. sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. transverse tubules
D. endomysium
E. fascia

(9) Which are smaller, Myofilaments or Myofibrils?
A. myofilaments
B. myofibrils
C. impossible to tell
D. they are the same size
E. it varies between contraction and relaxation

(10) Tropomyosin is a long threadlike protein that wraps around ___________ fibers preventing the __________ from binding to it.
A. F-actin/myosin
B. troponin/F-actin
C. myosin/F-actin
D. myosin/calcium
E. F-actin/troponin

(11) The dense regular connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone is called a
A. tendon
B. collagen fiber
C. ligament
D. fascial plane

(12) A flattened sheetlike tendon (like the galea aponeurotica of the epicranius) is an example of an
A. tendon
B. ligament
C. layer of fascia
D. aponeurosis

(13) A thin but strong band of connective tissue covering a group of tendons often found in the wrist and ankle is called a
A. synovial sheath
B. sarcolemma
C. ligament
D. transverse tubule

(14) A bundle of 10-100 individual muscle fibers is surrounded by a connective tissue coat called the ___________ which produces a __________.
A. endomysium/fascicle
B. perimysium/synovial sheath
C. epimysium/aponeurosis
D. perimysium/fascicle

(15) Which of the following is NOT a basic property of all types of muscle?
A. irritability (sensitivity to stimuli)
B. contractility (responds to stimuli by shortening)
C. lability (will begin to divid by mitosis if stimulated)
D. extensibility (may be stretched beyond their length)